What first attracted me to the Gtech cordless trimmer was it’s super light weight, portability and ease of use. I really do think this might be the perfect grass cutting solution for those with veg plots or allotments where the grass needs to be kept trimmed.
I already own a petrol strimmer that I use for cutting the grass paths and overgrown areas of the allotment but it’s really not safe to keep power tools in an allotment shed and I find getting the heavy strimmer their to be difficult – this will now been replaced completely by the Gtech ST20 as it’s so light that I can carry it with ease to the allotment. The grass trimmer is lighter than I imagined and would say it weights less than the average shopping bag.

Petrol grass trimmers are a bit of a pain to keep filling, mixing the petrol and oil and getting it in the strimmer without getting it everywhere is a skill. The Gtech however is quite different, it comes with an 18v battery which supposedly powers the grass trimmer for 4 hours, I found mine lasted a good 3 hours but that is plenty for any garden and allotment. To charge you just remove the battery (the size of a standard drill battery) and charge it.
The Gtech comes with free delivery and a two year guarantee. On arrival the ST20 can be put together in less than 5 minutes (even if you don’t read the instructions).
Operating and using the grass trimmer is easy. It’s incredibly powerful but can still be used with one hand. It seems to make really easy work of overgrown grass as well as lawns so I think it’s the ideal solution for those with veg plots or allotments. There is a safety switch but even so I’d be careful carrying it or around children (or just unclip the blades to be 100% safe).
It’s worth noting that Gtech do offer unlimited free replacement blades (just pay P&P) but I can tell you that I have been strimming rough grass on the allotment, around compost bins, paving and stones for 4-5 hours and I have yet to break a blade. I can imagine that the blades that were included with the grass trimmer will probably last me for years.
Overall I really do love this grass trimmer, I’d rate it 5⁄5 and highly recommend it.
You can buy this strimmer direct from Gtech fo just £99 by clicking here.